It has been generally accepted that for any organization to produce and satisfy its stakeholders, such organization must have good management team that manages the resources of the organization using some laid down rules. In manufacturing concerns, inventories constitute a greater proportion of assets. The management of inventories usually involves a lot of problems which range from the right tome to place order to maximization of profits for the stakeholders. Thus, the research undertaken this research work entitled. Evaluation of usefulness of inventory management. A study of some selected Beverage Companies including: Coca-Cola Nigeria Plc, Pepsicola Nigeria Plc and Nigeria Mineral Water Industries Limited. The objective of this work includes: To determine whether profit is maximized and cost minimized due to the application of the efficient inventory management. To determine also whether manufacturing concerns in our country manage inventories effectively by using inventory management techniques e.g. Economic Lot Size, Just-in-Time etc. Data were collected using questionnaire method, and were analyzed using chi-square (X2) Pearson product moment, correlation co-efficient (r) and regression analysis. The result therefore shows that they place order at the right time and right quantity overcoming the setbacks of lead time. The companies also minimize costs of holding inventories and maximize their profits. The findings showed that manufacturing concerns in Nigeria meet the target requirement of their customers, stakeholders, and the society where they operate. The research recommends that: all staff of the manufacturing concerns should be made to have the thorough knowledge of inventory management as this will enable them to work towards their stock protection and cost minimization. The manufacturing concerns should get the recent developed software on inventory management and use to update their knowledge of inventory management on regular bases.
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