The study is on friendship ties at workplace and managerial effectiveness in selected Nigerian universities. This study therefore sought to identify the level of the relationship between “proximity” cause of workplace friendship formation and organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities, to ascertain the degree of the relationship between “proximity” cause of workplace friendship formation and absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities and to determine the nature of the relationship between “Work Value/Life Interest similarities” cause of workplace friendship formation and organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities; other objectives were to assess the degree of the relationship between “Work Value/Life Interest similarities” cause of workplace friendship formation and absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities, to examine the level of the relationship between “instrumentality” cause of workplace friendship formation and organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities; and to establish the degree of the relationship between “instrumentality” cause of workplace friendship formation and absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities. This study adopted survey research design. In pursuit of the objectives, a national survey research was carried out in four federal and four state universities in four geopolitical zones of the country purposefully selected from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation universities in order to balance the study without bias. A sample size of 1147 was determined from a population of 30,955 drawn from the three major unions in the universities namely: Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), and Non-Academic Staff of Universities (NASU) using Freund and William’s statistical formula. The sources of data for the study were primary and secondary. The main instruments used for primary data collected were questionnaire and oral interview. The secondary data were sourced from journal, textbooks, periodicals and internet. The questionnaire was structured in Five-point Likert scale in line with the objectives of the study. Content validity approach was used to ensure that the variables measured were all covered while Factor analysis was used to measure the convergent validity. The instrument was checked for reliability showing Cronbach alpha co-efficient value of 0.84 and thereafter tables, pie charts, percentages and statistical toolrs (F-test, univariate, multiple regressions) were used for presentation and analysis respectively. Findings of the study indicated that Proximity cause of workplace friendship formation had a very strong positive relationship with organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 246.94 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Proximity cause of workplace friendship formation had a positive but weak relationship with absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 186.23 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Work value/life interests similarities (WVLIS) cause of workplace friendship formation had a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 622.48 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Work value/life interests similarities (WVLIS) cause of workplace friendship formation had a positive but weak relationship with absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 373.21 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Instrumentality cause of workplace friendship formation had a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 259.98 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Instrumentality cause of workplace friendship formation had a positive but weak relationship with absenteeism in selected Nigerian universities. (FC = 147.22 > FT =10.89; α = 0.05). Based on the study’s findings, the study thus concluded that the employees in selected Nigerian universities do not form friendship ties at workplace for the purpose of being absent from work but for productivity. The study recommended that while participatory, high interdependent tasks that will increase positive core attitudes, performance and reduce absenteeism be encouraged, Nigerian university management should employ an effective, tactical strategic planning at workplace that will reduce frictions within and among staff, while increasing productivity in efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.
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