This study sought to determine family attributes and school climate as predictors of male dropout in secondary schools in South East Nigeria. The study was guided by six research questions and six null hypotheses. The study adopted a correlational survey design. The area for this study was South East, Nigeria which comprised five states namely; Anambra, Imo, Abia, Ebonyi and Enugu. The population of the study comprised 1087 male dropouts who had personal contact with the researcher in South East Nigeria. The sample for the study was 761 dropouts. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire developed by the researcher titled; “family attributes, school climate and reasons for male dropout questionnaire”. In order to ensure that the instrument is reliable, it was trial-tested with 30 dropouts from Delta state of Nigeria. The overall reliability coefficient of 0.89 was obtained. Based on the spread of the population, the researcher used five research assistants for collection of data. Each research assistant was assigned to a state that he/she is familiar with. The assistants were directed on the modality for administering and collecting the instrument. All the research questions were answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of determination. The hypotheses were tested using linear regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between parenting styles, family climate, family size, school climate, age and students’ dropout of secondary schools. The implication of the findings were highlighted and it was recommended among other things that the parents should be mindful of how they treat their children especially the adolescents. The parents should always use democratic parenting styles in dealing with their children. The limitations of the study were highlighted and suggestions were made for further research.
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