1.0 Introduction
This project is centered on An In-depth Study on Lexical Borrowing from English to Hausa, with the aim to study the English and Hausa lexical loan words. The concept borrowing has been defined and explains by different scholars. It is a universal socio-linguistic phenomenon which is as a result of different cultures in contact, as a result of this contact cultural items filter freely from one culture to another.
This is true in the case of language as there is a dare need for communication between speakers of different language communities who come into contact. This is therefore in the case with language development through lexical borrowing in English and Hausa.
It is a common fact that no language can live in isolation without interacting with neibouring or other language around it. The interaction could be political, economic and social In a situation where a language remains without new words, there is every tendency that such language would logging behind other language.
The borrower words are often referred to technology e.g. machine, engine, telephone e.t.c. language which is the major need of any society.
It is almost impossible for any language to remain purely on its own unless the speakers do not leave their domain for another and similarly do not allow speakers of another language in to their domain. Lexical borrowing is common in most languages because no language is an inland on its own, it is on this note this project will discuss the phenomenon of language development through lexical borrowing. It is going to deal with study of English and Hausa language as each borrowing from one another.
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