Divisional Library, Agbani Enugu State (Study Of Functional Space Requirement Of A Modern Library)
“A Library is a repository of various forms of recorded information, as well as a collection of data in many formats.” (Metu A. 1987). The design proposal is a consequence of an investigation into the emerging concern about energy efficiency of buildings, the recent advances in information technology and their attending consequences on the planning and architecture of the future library. Demographic data and an understanding of the development need of the growing population validate the need for a library facility in Agbani. The aim of this research and the design of the scheme is to develop a proposal that will demonstrate a careful analysis of the architectural problems identified which include the implications of library design in the context of recent advancements in information technology, control of internal environment and energy efficiency, circulation, fire protection, lighting, noise arising from different locations, flexibility and security. As a general design consideration, open planning and a standard measurement or module, which is valid under changing conditions for the library’s equipment and furniture, will be employed. The five primary areas that will form the interior arrangement of the library are the administrative service department, technical service department, reference service department, adult service department and support areas. The special design considerations are Circulation and activity flow, noise, lighting, internal climate, humidification, building protection from solar radiation, hazards, security, as well as arrangement of furniture and equipment. The project location is in Agbani, Nkanu West L.G.A. located in a prominent, easily accessible location required to attract a large number of persons. An analysis of the site is based on the synthesis of such factors as its topography, access and views, sun analysis and orientation, source of noise and soil condition. The concept of zoning takes into consideration the noise levels of library spaces as well as sequence in time of library use. The planning takes into consideration the collection capacity of the proposed library which will be a function of the proposed population to be designed for. The concept of massing is to symbolize the culture of formal learning, which begins with a broad scope, and as one advances in learning, he specializes. To symbolize this character, the massing of the Agbani Central Library will be like that of a pyramid, which is broad at its base and tapers as it rises.
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