This project work examines the effective communication as a rudiment in organization management. Therefore the viability of any existing organization depends wholly on the effective management and communication ability. No action taken in an organization without communication leading to it. There is no life without effective communication. Consequent upon the fundamental roles of communication, this work tries to x-ray the important of effective communication in every business of our daily lives. However, it is also important to note that effective communication is the backbone and all essential ingredients for a purposeful business that of course wishes to thrive and compete favourably. It equally called to mind to know that communication is quite indispensable to human existence because there is need to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences. In furtherance to the study a well organized communication creates awareness in organization management and leads to effective communication in the organizations under study. It is also however believed, that strict application of rules of communication brings maximum improvement and productivity. Consultations were made using relevant works and materials to find answers to the questions raised in this study. Questionnaires were also distributed to the management and workers of the ease organizations. It was however, discovered that indeed effective communication as a tool plays an unquantifiable role in management of organization after testing hypothesis. Specifically, the work is sub-divided into seven chapters each dealing with a specific range of issues. Chapter one sets forth understanding effective communication, information gap, system approach, history of organizations, problem statement, hypothesis, as well as the scope and limitations of the study. Chapter two is a review of some related literature. Chapter three briefly explains the methods of research adopted. Chapter four deals with the presentation of data, scrutinized analyzed the data and tested the hypothesis. Finally, chapter five brings the whole effort to a close by discussing summarily the findings of the research, proffer recommendations and conclusion.
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