Ibom Cargo Seaport Terminal, Ibaka- A Study Of Passenger Circulation And Safety
AkwaIbom State, the Land of Promise and Fulfillment has over the years been confronted with the problem of rapid growing human and vehicular traffic congestion. This problem is largely caused by the rate of migration of people into AkwaIbom State. Infact recent statistics has it that over 2000 people enter AkwaIbom on a daily basis. This figure results to an estimated two hundred thousand people that move around AkwaIbommetropoly on a daily basis. This geometric increase in population of peoplge in AkwaIbom State as against a rather static infrastructure (road network) development has resulted to a multiplicity of transportation problems in several parts of AkwaIbom State one of which is Mbo-Ibaka. Mbo-Ibaka with estimated population of over one million is not just affected by transportation problem but also by poor transportation induced problems such as poverty and retarded economic development. Fortunately, Mbo-Ibaka as well as majority of AkwaIbom suburbs is blessed with one viable source of economic development especially in the transportation sector water. This thesis therefore is intended to examine the present situation of water transportation system in AkwaIbom State (with special focus on Mbo-Ibaka) as it relates terminals, and there after proffer architectural design solutions to the circulation, modern cargo handling and security problems associated with them. Chapter one is the introduction of the topic in a broad spectrum, Chapter two goes on to explain the theoretical framework of the proposed scheme, with emphasis on its need and viability. Chapter three focuses on port terminal planning principles. Chapter four focuses on Case Studies, Chapter five will deal on Site study which includes climatic and topographical analysis of the proposed site for the project will be treated in Chapter six, the design synthesis and concept will be treated.
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