This work investigates the management of electronic resources in medical libraries in South South Nigeria. Accordingly, six research objectives were drawn for the study which include; to examine the critical elements in the planning process in the management of electronic resources; to identify the methods used in organizing electronic resources; to identify the electronic resource management competencies possessed by professionals in medical libraries; determined the extent of control in managing electronic resources; ascertain the challenges faced in management of electronic resources as well as proffer strategies to enhance effective management of electronic resources in medical libraries in South South Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study with a population of 71 medical libraries staff. Five medical libraries consisting of 71 librarians were sampled out of the 14 universities that were used for the study. The questionnaire consist of 76 items which were the instrument used to collect data and were also validated by three research expert in the department of library and information science university of Nigeria Nsukka. They were presented in tables and analyzed using the mean. Findings shows among others that each of this medical library, developed a prioritized list of goals for electronic resources, create small electronic resources committee, laying down policies and procedure for attaining objectives, developing policies to determine resources to catalogued, prepares and properly executes electronic resources budgets; anticipate future problems, adopting necessary measure and making policy change as well as matching recommendation from faculties based on the available funds. The use of MARC, OCLC and OPAC are the most adequate methods of organising electronic information resources, Electronic Resources Control System will be adopted to regulate the use of the resources to avoid abuse behaviour. The problem in the electronic resources management is inadequate financing and lack of computer literacy skills. Following these findings, recommendations were made to the effect that medical libraries should initiate training programs for library staff in collaboration with campus computer centers, adequate funding should be provided for the medical library to facilitate its services, medical librarians should design library websites to provide links to their electronic/online resources and web/internet based services.
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