Performing Atrs Center (Abakaliki) A study on Igbo Cultural Symbolism and Contemporary Architecture
Performing arts centre, a place of entertainment, where actors perform live music, dance, drama, etc. to an audience on stage. A major research consideration on blending Igbo cultural symbolism with contemporary architecture. The research was necessitated because of the increasing absence of cultural undertone/considerations and its symbols in our national architectural designs, thereby speaking less of the people’s culture and values. This research seeks to integrate cultural symbols and forms with modern day architectural character of performing arts centres, in order to produce an indigenous performing arts centre that speaks well of Igbo race. Starting with an analysis of Igbo culture and its development, and then deriving its basic symbols and their basic building forms from the ancient times. The final outcome will be obvious, a performing arts center that is indigenous and also reflects the culture of Igbo people.
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