The study used passive compensators and FACTS controllers to achieve power system compensation by obtaining load flow of the Northern Nigerian 330kV transmission grid; determining the voltage magnitudes at the various buses; identifying the voltage violations and applying the passive compensators and FACTS controllers at the worst case scenarios of the voltage violations. The work compared the effects of the compensators on the Northern Niggerian 330kV transmission grid. The load flow study was carried out to obtain the voltage magnitudes with the assumption that voltage magnitudes should range between 0.90pu and 1.10pu in the simulations. And a bus whose voltage magnitude falls out of the range suffers from voltage violation and is considered a critical case for power system compensation. The load flow study for the network under consideration (Northern Nigerian 330kv line) was done with the Newton-Raphson method owing to its quick convergence. In addition, it converged in 0.34 seconds after five P and Q iterations. The results of the simulation shows that Birnin-Kebbi (0.6245pu), Katampe (0.7237pu), Kaduna (0.6950pu), Kano (0.5713pu), Yola (0.8457pu), Gwagwalada( 0.7013pu), Lokoja ( 0.8516pu), Ajaokuta ( 0.8045pu), and Geregu ( 0.8854pu) have low voltages. The simulation of the network with passive compensator and FACTS controller improved the voltages at: Gwagwalada, Kano and Birim Kebbi buses by 0.49%, 1.04% and 4.5% respectively.
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