Secondary School Design for Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
Security is a very vital factor for human growth and development. It has also become a major recent issue in buildings and especially, school buildings. Ensuring security in buildings is a collective endeavour with each individual, government, organization, and community having its own role to play. The architect, who is the master builder, is chiefly responsible in ensuring that the built environment meets requirements of security. This report studied the various techniques of achieving security in a built environment through the use of environmental design and thus, architectural elements. It studied widely the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), which asserts that “the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and an improvement in the quality of life. It propagated principles of stopping crime before it happens rather than reacting afterwards. This report also applied its findings in the design of a secondary school.
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