This study was conducted to find out the study of the effect of managers leadership style on the secretary’s productivity. In order to do this the following research question were used.
a. Does leadership styles effect secretary’s productivity
b. Is the leadership style adopted by your office manager contributing to the achievement of the organizations goals and objectives.
c. Does the office manager consider the feelings of his subordinates before taking his decisions?
Questionnaire were administered on a population of 100 staff of Mobil producing Nigeria unlimited. Qua Iboe Terminal, Eket. Frequency counts and percentage were used counts and percentage were used in the analysis of data.
Based on the analyzed data, the following findings were made.
a. supervisors of Mobil producing Nigeria unlimited were democratically oriented. They had very often interact with their subordinateds.
b. It was further found that staff motivation was emplasized and state were encouraged to work.
c. It was also discovered that when the interest of workers were actually considered decisions were made.
d. Organization objectives are being achieved by ademocratic leader.
e. The organization objectives were taken into consideration before a leadership style was adopted.
Finally, leadership was seen as a situational thing and the situation at hand will determine the style to be adopted.
In conclusion it was recommended that democratic leader should be given the opportunity to supervise in organizations and leaders should take the interest of their workers into consideration before adopting any style of leadership.
Title page
Table of contents
List of tables
1.1 Background of study
1.2 Historical background of MPNU
1.3 Statement of problems
1.4 Purpose of study
1.5 The scope of the study/ delimitation
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Research questions
1.8 Definition of terms
2.1 Conceptual meaning and function of leadership
2.2 Evolution of study of leadership
2.3 The trait approach to leadership
2.4 The contingency approach to leadership
2.5 Leadership style
2.6 Participatory or democratic leadership
2.7 Autocratic leadership
2.8 Applying mc Gregor theory X and Y to the job
2.9 Effect of leadership style on the secretary productivity
2.10 Summary of related literature
3.1 The design of the study
3.2 Research instrument
3.3 Area of the study
3.4 Population sampling
3.5 Method of investigation
3.6 Procedure for data analysis
3.7 Decision rult
3.8 Validity and reliability
3.1 Summary of findings
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Suggested area for further research
1. Response on working environment
2. response on workers on the productivity level of their job
3. response to how leadership style can motivate worker to work
4. worker response to how their performance
5. response on the qualities exhibited by the office manager
6. response on how the supervisor has contributed to the organisation’s achievment
7. response on recommadations from the boss
8. response on how workers feel when they are given good appraisal.
9. response on how management staffs solve their problems at work
10. response on how workers feel when they are transferred to another section / department
11. response on relationship between the supervisor and his subordinates
12. response on the level of interaction between the supervisor and his subordinates.
13. response on how workers feels when their opinion is sought on matters attesting their unit / department
14. the table sought to know from the company staff if they have been rewarded excellently for a good performance in the job
15. response to know whether workers satisfied working in the company
16. response below shows reasons why workers are satisfied with the company.
The success of any organization depends, to a large extent, on the caliber of its labour force. In fact, it is seen as the foundation upon which every organization is built. This is why it is important for every organization to engage the right leadership style and provide everything necessary to make or keep them satisfied in their job performance.
The employment of the right caliber of personnel does not effectively achieve or attain organizational goal if leadership of the organization are not favourable to the staff from this that the reseacher based her topic of interest.
“A study of the effect of leadership styles on the secretary’s productivity.
In fact, leadership style is a corporate task of the top management whose decisions determines the extent of achieving styles favourable, there’s satisfaction in work and if they are not favourable secretary will be dissatisfied. They are not keen on working towards the attainment of the organizational objectives and thus does not bring organizational effectiveness and peace in the long run.
Personnel administration is virtually concerned with management of secretary’s productivity in organizations. This productivity is significantly affected by the quality of the relationship between the secretary and the leadership.
The supervisor is the manager at the office and he does manger through inspection, overseeing and controlling, while the top management manager these offices from a distance. The secretary on his own support to the progress of the organization, has the duty of giving account of what is going on in the organization and is expected to produce the desired results of the unit or departments. He is described as the man in the middle.
In the office the supervisor is seen as somebody who is able to motivate and influence people to work towards a common goal willingly. To be a leader he must have special qualities that puts him high above others.
As a supersor he should be more interested not only in making his subordinates perform but also more importantly in helping them to achieve,
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